Senior Pet Wellness

 We consider pets that are


 or older to be senior-aged pets. At this stage in their lives, dogs and cats are more susceptible to contracting health issues. Early detection can help prevent disease and minimize suffering of an older pet.

Dog Years VS Human Years

7 dog years = 44 – 56 years
10 dog years = 56 – 78 years
15 dog years = 76 – 115 years
20 dog years = 96 – 120 years

Cat Years VS Human Years

7 cat years = 54 years
10 cat years = 63 years
15 cat years = 78 years
20 cat years = 97 years

Getting Older Means Going to the Vet More Often

While annual check-ups are important for pets of all ages, making more frequent vet visits is especially important for mature pets. We consider pets that are seven years old and older to be senior-aged pets. At this stage in their lives, dogs and cats are more susceptible to contracting health issues, including the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Liver disease
  • Certain types of cancer
cat and dog laying next to each other

We recommend bringing your senior pet to our facility at least twice a year for head-to-tail examinations and evaluations, vaccinations and lab tests. Routine visits to AVH allow our veterinary team to stay on top of your senior pet’s health and keep you in the know about any potential ailments.

Get the best care for your best friend.

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